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Clicking on the spyglass provides search filter options, including the option of a “Custom” advanced search. Use the “X” to clear. The size can be altered using the thin drag handle to the left of the box.
MusicBee provides a number ways for you locate tracks: To locate or filter tracks in the main panel, you can:
- Enter a value in the search box. By default all fields are searched but you can restrict the fields by clicking the button and choosing the fields. You also can simply type [fieldname]:[searchtext] in the search box, e.g. artist:tom or title:runner.
- Enter a value in the Library Explorer panel on the left sidebar. This search differs in that only the field you choose is searched and a list of the remaining distinct values for the chosen field is displayed as you type.
- Select one or more values from the track browser panel. By default you can choose from genre, artist and album but can be configured to show other fields by clicking the button.
- Enter a custom search by clicking the button and choosing the Custom Search command.
- To locate the current playing track in your library, either right click the player information panel and choose Locate in Library; click the track information popup button in the player control panel and then click the library icon; or click the Go To toolbar menu in the Playing Tracks list and choose Locate in Library.
To include tracks by different artists, one can type in Philter OR Sadistik or "Machinae Supremacy" + "We Are The Ocean" in the search box. One can also type artist:SoulEye to make sure only the artist field is used when searching.
In the Playing Tracks list you can just start typing and a search box appears. The first track matching your query will be selected. The Button "Next" brings you to the next matching track. Note that the Now Playing Panel needs to be focused before typing (clicking the panel-header does NOT set the focus! You have to click somewhere else inside the panel). The same works for Library Explorer.
Trying to figure out what playlists a track belongs to? Right-click the track> Search> Locate in Playlist, then you can browse all the playlists where the track is included and you can jump to any of them.
Custom Search[]
Defining Rules
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