MusicBee Wiki
MusicBee Wiki

Up-to-date with version 3.0.5972

Special Fields[]

Special fields contain file properties, virtual tags, and other uneditable or non-standard data.

Column Output
A column with boxes so you can tick tracks.
# Only appears in playlists. Shows playlist order.
Disc-Track# A virtual tag combining <Disc#> and <Track#>. The exact formatting can be configured in Configure Fields.
.Ext The file extension, with no leading "." Compare to <Kind>.
Album [Year] Displays the Album and the four-digit year. Equivalent to the template <Album> [$Date(<Year>,yyyy)].
Album Complete? Returns Y if the number of tracks present for an album is the same as the number of tracks on the album according to Disc Count and Track Count, N if this is not the case, and ? if it cannot be determined.
Album Duration Calculates the total length of an album based on track lengths as found in your library.
Artist Track Count The number of tracks by an artist that MusicBee finds in your library (including Inbox).
Artists MusicBee has special handling for the Artist field in the main panel and usually shows the Display Artist (see below) when there are multiple artists tagged. This field will list all artists associated with a track, including Guest Artists, Performers, and Remixers, ignoring the Display Artist.
Artist: Artist
Artist: Guest
Artist: Performer
Artist: Remixer
Usually MusicBee includes Artists, Guest Artists, Performers, and Remixers anywhere that the Artist field is displayed (such as the Thumbnail Browser). These fields allow you to isolate each type of artist value, instead.
Category Shows which library node a track is in (Music, Inbox, etc).
Channels Tells whether a file is stereo, mono, etc.
Date Added The date the track was added to the MusicBee Library. This can be edited in the Tag Editor.
Date Modified The last date the file was modified.
Decade Uses the <Year> tag to group tracks by decade.

Display Artist
Display Composer

Display Artist is where MusicBee stores the value that it shows in the Artist field in the main panel, if there are multiple artists tagged. It is saved to your files in its own frame and doesn't affect the official Artist tags. Display Composer functions the same way.
Encoding Quality If the file was encoded by MusicBee, this will name the encoding profile used.
Filename Gives the name of the file, without directory but with file extension.
Genre Category If the genre of a track is categorized, this will show the category.
Highlight Displays a highlight color or icon based on criteria that you configure. See Highlighting for more info.
Kind Descriptive text for the file type (e.g. "MPEG audio file"). Compare to <.Ext>.
Last Played Last date the track was played.
Lyrics? If lyrics are present, this will display Y [unsynched], Y [synched], or Y [synched/unsynched] (according to what is in the file). If it the track is marked as having no lyrics, it will display N [no lyrics]. Otherwise it will be blank.
Path Gives full directory path, except filename.
Playlist Lists the playlists that include the track.
Sample Rate Shows the sample rate of the file
Size File size, in MB
Time Displays the track time according to the file header.
Track Count The number of tracks from an album that MusicBee finds in your library (including Inbox)
URL Gives the full file path, including directory, filename, and extension.
Video Kind As <Kind>, but for video files
Year (yyyy) A virtual tag that shows only the four-digit year of the full <Year> tag. Equivalent to $Date(<Year>,yyyy).
<Artist & Title> Although not available from any list, <Artist & Title> is a virtual tag that will show <Artist> - <Title> when the tags are set, otherwise it will show <Filename>. (Also available as <ArtistAndTitle>.)

Tick Boxes[]
